Shareholders’ Meeting of 27 April 2012 (*)
Shareholders are invited to the Annual General Meeting to be held in the Sala Auditorium of the CENTRO CONGRESSI – CNR – Via Gobetti no. 101, Bologna on 27 April 2012 at 10 a.m. (single call) to discuss and resolve on the following Agenda:
1. Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011, Directors’ Report, proposed allocation of income and report of the Board of Statutory Auditors: consequent resolutions;
2. Presentation of the corporate governance report and resolutions concerning the remuneration policy;
3. Renewal of authorisation to buy and sell treasury shares: consequent provisions.
(*) Source: Gruppo Hera
Shareholder Enrico Nannetti’s summary speech (**)
We consider the services offered by Hera among the best on the italian market on a quality/price ratio base, and for this we thank the BOD and the workers: We also kindly request to renovate the environment business unit by investing in modern biological mechanical treatment plants. We request the application of the Shareholder Rights’ Directive by the company. We request 4 employes should be nominated in the BOD, one for each of the 4 business units; each employee should be elected by their own clollegues of the same unit, under the presentation of a program.
(**) Spokesperson for AzioneHera