Shareholders’ Meeting of 23 April 2014 (*)
Shareholders are called to the Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting in the Auditorium of the CNR CONGRESS CENTRE at 101 Via Gobetti, Bologna on 23 April 2014 at 10:00 am, single call, to discuss and resolve on the following items of the Agenda:

Extraordinary Part
1. Amendment of Article 16.1 of the Articles of Association as amended by the Transitory Clause of said Articles of Association: applicable and consequent resolutions.
2. Amendment of Article 17.2 of the Articles of Association as amended by the Transitory Clause of said Articles of Association: applicable and consequent resolutions.
3. Approval of the merger by incorporation of Amga – Azienda Multiservizi S.p.A. into Hera S.p.A. pursuant to Article 2501 et. seq. of the Italian Civil Code and the consequent amendment of paragraph 5.1 of the Articles of Association: applicable and consequent resolutions.

Ordinary Part
1. Financial statements as of 31 December 2013, Directors’ Report, proposal to distribute the profit, and report of the Board of Statutory Auditors: applicable and consequent resolutions.
2. Presentation of the corporate governance report and remuneration policy resolutions.
3. Renewal of the authorisation to purchase treasury shares and procedures for arrangement of the same: applicable and consequent resolutions.
4. Appointment of the members of the Board of Directors: applicable and consequent resolutions.
5. Determination of fees for members of the Board of Directors: applicable and consequent resolutions.
6. Appointment of the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors and of the Chairman: applicable and consequent resolutions.
7. Determination of fees for members of the Board of Statutory Auditors: applicable and consequent resolutions.
8. Appointment of independent auditors for the statutory audit for the years 2015 – 2023:  applicable and consequent resolutions.

(*) Source: Hera Group

Shareholder Enrico Nannetti’s summary speech (**)
We wish to express our appreciation of the important investments in the environmental unit regarding Biological Mechanical Treatment plants and Hera Servizi Industriali new business. We plan to distribute only half the amount of the dividends proposed by BOD, and to invest the remaining sum in an upgrade of the New Energies in-house structure. This would create a solid base in wind, solar, hydraulic, geothermal and MBT plant know-how. Keen to establish its Green credentionals, the company aims to establish itself as one of the major players in the future global market.  We also strongly recommend cooperation with other Italian municipalities and utility companies in order to form purchasing groups based on cost-free agreements: by joining a common procurement scheme (for example, gas supply from abroad) and by utilizing existing public administration purchasing electronic platforms (such as Ancitel), considerable cost benefits could be attained. We kindly request to the BOD the implementation of the Shareholder Rights’ Directive.

(**) Spokesperson for AzioneHera